Sunday, August 5, 2007

Reflection of Inquiry Process

Actually Inquiry process is one of the browse process... There are some steps to do inquiry process. Firstly we make the question, and then we do research about our question, and then we analysed about what we had research, and finally we made the framework.when we search one topic(solution of question) , sometimes it will be interesting for us, because we can get some information that may be not related with what we want to search..and sometimes it can be frustating for us, especially, if we had sit in front of computer around more than 3 hours just for search one information about our question...yeah... that's the process that can teach us many things..we can learn many things from that indirectly,we can get more information about what we had read to seek the solution of our question, and also that process teach us to be a patient person in searching some other word, more searching, it can make to be more patient...

Saturday, August 4, 2007

PIKOM PC Fair 2007 in KLCC
Last friday 3 August , i went to pc fair 2007 in klcc. First impression, that is very amazing...i never thought that it will be very crowded like that. All of brands for computer were sold there..not only computer, but also other electronics, like mp3/mp4, PSP, Sound system, printer, and etc. It's hall was very large...i was tired at that time, because around 3 hours i walked there just looked around without buy anything... actually, i had a plan to buy printer...but when i saw the price, i never thought that price will be expensive.. and i can compare with printer that sell in sunway piramid that was cheaper than there...Although the price was so expensive, electonics that sold there completed.. i saw one laptop that very small.. and i thought that laptop is smallest laptop in the world...hehe.... with Rm 4788, we can get it in there.. I think that's all about my information about Pc Fair 2007 in KLCC.. if you guys... have a free time, i suggest to go there and look around..but carefully with your wallet, because i heard that there are many pickpockets there...