Sunday, September 30, 2007

Inonesian Microsoft

william henry gates 2 (Bill Gates)said "If you give people tools, [and they use] their natural ability, and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected". That words have been proven by many programs that launced in Indonesia. Generally, microsoft in Indonesia has been used by 800000 students, 20000 teachers, and 15000 peasants. Most of them used it by 'partners in learning program'. Microsoft built Community Technology Centre (CTC), and there are about 39 CTC in Indoensia. In that centre, many people asked to know more about technology, learn how to use it in order to increase the value of their life, and improve their potential, so Microsoft in Indonesia is not only for business or to get profit only, but also it is used to share with others, said Tony Chen; Directur president Microsoft in Indonesia in confrence on August 2007.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Blogger party in Indonesia

Next month, blogger party will be started in Hard rock cafe, entertainment XPlaza, jakarta, october 29, 2007. There are more than 100 of blogger users will attend that party. It will be first party for most of the blogger users in Indonesia from many professions. Enda Nasution as one of the commitee of that party believed that there are more than 100.000 users of blog in Indonesia, and Jakarta is one of 30 cities in the world that most active in blog according to study business week.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Learning Contract

What is learning contract??? Learning contract is one project that make comtech students can be stress..hehe...because in this project, all of TGJ4M students have to learn alone about what they want to learn by last of november. In this project i am as one of the TGJ4M students choose web design, and honestly i never learn it before and it can be challenged for me to learn it by myself, and i need all of you to pray me in order i can well done to finish this project before due date...and if there is one who knows about web design and can teach me about that, please contact me as soon as possible, because i am really need ur help...and i want to say Good Luck for other TGJ4M students who is doing this learning contract, and i hope all of us can do it well until last november...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Access to New York Times is free today

From now, all of the article from The New York Times online can be accessed freely. The marketing strategy that is used by U.S information media now is different with the marketing strategy that is used 2 years ago when all of the readers of The New York Times have to pay about $49.95 per year or $7.95 per month to access the popular article from That payment has given a lot of profits about 10 millions dolar per year. This strategy is used by U.S information media to improve the page view that walk slowly since 2 years ago. Now, the articles from 1987 until now can be accessed freely, but there are some articles between 1923 and 1986 which have to paid when people want to access it.

The cruelty of KFC

Make your own KFC sign at

Open this website before eat KFC

Monday, September 24, 2007

Power Point has been available in Google docs

Nowadays, file presentation that usually used by most of the people in the world, like power point has been available with online connection. This alterantive will become the barrier for power point application that is only available in software package long time ago. To use this facility, the users dont need to install in its computer, but they should be connect to internet. Like Ms. Power point, this facility can be used to presentation that has the content like text, graphic, and picture. But this facility is not free. for full aplication, the institute that want to use this facility must pay about $50 per year. Beside that today, google has started in doing relationship with Sun Microsystem to distribute staroffice application package that can help some businesses in doing their work with online connection.

Just for Fun

There is one worker who works in 28th floor of one building. Suddenly, there is a person who shouts from base floor of that building. “Robert…Robert…..your son bumped by train…”. Automatically that worker jump from 28th floor. When his body was passing 15th floor, he remembers that he jumped from 28th floor. When his body was passing 9th floor, he remembers that he never had a son, and when his body is passing 2nd flood, he remembers that his name is not Robert……hahaha....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Did you know?

Who is the oldest human that live in this world???
Jeanne Louise Carmen is frence woman who lives in this world until 122 years old and she is admitted by guinness of the world record as the longest live woman in the earth.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Computer virus

Nowadays, computer virus has been admitted in the world. Simon Vallor, 22 is a person who created one kind of viruses in north Wales, which was rated the third most destructive virus worldwide. This virus can corrupt data on the computer’s hard-drive. The work of that virus is the virus will send to everyone on the computer’s address book automatically, when the email was opened. That virus had been detected in 42 countries, and received 27,000 strikes.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Friday, September 7, 2007

Movie File

Hi...see my movie...