Sunday, November 4, 2007

Microsoft launched unified communication in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the 4 countries in Asia beside South Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore that was launched by the new product from Microsoft that is called Unified Communication. That launching was done in Jakarta; 1st October, with Nortel and HP as partners in developing communication technology in Indonesia. "In Asia, Indonesia is one of the countries that adopted high Unified Communication technology" said lukman susetio. Today, there are 3 companies have been used this solution. They are PT.Excelcomindo pertama, PT.Sinar Niaga Sejahtera, and PT.Petrosea TBK. This solution is not only combining some communication facilities but also make simple some access to some facilities, like email, instant messaging, telephone, and video confrencing in one application. By adopting Unified communication, telephone infrastucture and information technology become one that make cost of investation and operational will be cheaper.

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