Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Culminating portfolio

Culminating portfolio is the last project for all students of TGJ4M. In this project, all students are asked to promote one restaurant "THE TEH TARIK BOYS CLUB". In that promotion the students have to design an appealing menu by using MS.Publisher, design a simple website by using MS.Frontpage or Macromedia dreamwaver, and also design a 30-45 second video advertisement. This project is hoped can be finished in 15 hours. I hope all of the TGJ4M students can enjoy for the last project.hehe.. I know that this is difficult, moreover there are a lot of ISU for other subjects, but i hope all of us can finish it until the last for this month. Good Luck in doing this project.:)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

game online VS AIDS

Today, UNICEF try to fight AIDS in Africa by using internet. UNICEF created game online in swahili language in order to teach about sexual education. That game was named Ungefanyaje, that means "what would you do?". All of the players have visual identity and interact with others to play scenario about sex story. In that interaction, information about the important of preventing AIDS are inserted. UNICEF predicted that there are 80% of young african did not know how to prevent AIDS safely. There are 2,3 millions people have been inducted AIDS nowadays in Africa. UNICEF hoped that that game can be one of the effective tool to prevent AIDS in Africa. More than 100 million African, like kenya, Uganda, Tanzania,and Congo use Swahili language.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Microsoft got facebook VS Google took myspace

nowadays, social network situs is improving that make Microsoft and Google have to compete between each other. To get 1,6% part of facebook, Microsoft have to spend more than 240 million US dollar, indicating facebook have been priced about 15 billions US dollar. Facebook first time was launched in 2004 by Harvard Mark Zuckerberg student. Facebook claimed that can attract more than 250 thousand users in which 60% of them are from outside of US. Today, the users of facebook have been more than 50 million users. Kevin Johnson, President of microsoft believes that the users of facebook will be more than 300 million by the end of this year. While, google which fail to get facebook, has made cooperation with other social network situs. It was myspace. In that aggrement, google will offer browse services and advertises for myspace users that almost 110 million users in the world. This is not the first time that google and microsoft compete in getting social network situs. Google ever defeated microsoft to reach youtube that was priced 1.65 billions US dollar. Beside that google also got DoubleClik, and Microsoft bought aQuantive. Microsoft make prediction that advertisements in internet nowadays have been 40 billion US dollar per year, and it will increase twice by 3 years later.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Marketing video- Combined between 2 softwares

Today, my groupwork of marketing video have finished our work. There are a lot of time spent in doing this work. About 10 hours in one day we edit the video. In doing this work, we use 2 softwares. That is Windows movie maker and Adobe premiere. In the first we divided the task to edit by each member in our group by using Windows movie maker. After all of members have edited it, we combined all of our works by using Adobe premiere, and give some effects by using it. The most difficult thing in doing this project is arranging sound clip in the video. That steps have spent more than 2 hours. Moreover one thing that make us shock is when after we published it, the video has 2GB more memory to keep it. That is not make sense, and i dont know why it can be happened.but the most thing is we have done my best in finishing this project. Thanks for haikal and paul as my group members that have done their work well, and i hope we can get the mark that we hope before.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Today class, all of the TGJ4M students saw one video about one of the modernization of communication technology, like touchgraph. TouchGraph is multitouch interface design, in which connected to our computer. This software is very amazing, because everything can be controlled by our fingers. This invention can really helpful for the improvement of communication technology in the future. To see the amazing video of touchgraph, u can click here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Japan rent cyber police

japan police has plan to rent private enterprise which works in information technology area to monitor criminal action which is related to the internet. That plan was taken related to the limited ability of the police to handle the criminal action in that illusory world. That plan will make the effectiveness of internet monitored, especially for the criminal action. Since 2006, according to the criminal action data in japan, there are about 4,425 criminal action from internet. That value increased 40% from the criminal action in 2005. Nowadayas, japan police do investigate sites of internet intensively to collect some informations that is related with criminal and suicide action in japan. Japan police wish to find technology system that can select quickly cut the internet access and viruses that related with the criminal action on the cyber life.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Adobe Photoshop

One of the essential tools that i used in doing my learning contract is adobe photoshop CS2. Generally, there are a lot of functions of this software. This software is usually used to edit some images to become images that we want. we can do anything with this software, like combining some images, changing the situation of the images, cutting, and so on. Actually this software is really complicated to be used if we never used it before, but after we know how to use it, it will be easy to be used. In my learning contract, this software is very important, because it is used to cut the website that i have created in this software and move it to the macromedia dreamwaver. This software is helpful to me to finish my learning contract, and i hope i can finish it well before the due date.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Macromedia Dreamweaver

Macromedia Dreamwaver is one of softwares that is used to make website. This software is almost the same with MS. frontpage in which all of the code that we made given directly in this software, therefore we can design our web easily, without thinking about code of HTML, but this software is more complete and more complicated in using than MS.Frontapage. For learning contract of TGJ4M, most of the TGJ4M students who take web design as their last project use this software in order to get better visual in design their website This software can be used for both mac, and Windows system.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Learning contract(2)

In this holiday, i start in doing my learning contract about web design. There are some difficulties that i got in doing this project. First, since i want to use dreamwaver as the software in doing web design, i need to learn how to use that software, because honestly, dreamwaver is more complicated to be used than MS.Frontpage. If until the last of this holiday, i still can not use this software, i will use MS.frontpage to do my learning contract, but i will try my best to understand about dreamwaver first. Second difficulties that i got in doing this project is taking the original images of Indonesian foods. Since i choose Indonesian foods for my topic in my website, i need to take the original images of Indonesian foods. This difficulty is caused by the holiday in which there is no more restaurant, especially indonesian restaurants open in this holiday. Therefore i got difficulty to take the original images in this holiday, but i will try to get it after the holiday.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Second life

In this holiday, there are some students of CIMP go back to their hometown...For TGJ4M students, they have to spend their time to listen the audio program that can be download in one website given by Mr.Avila. IN that audio program, tells about one of game online that is named Second life. Actually, this game is almost the same with Sims, that is more popular than second life. In this game, all of us can decide what we want to be, what job we want to choose, and ect. Indirectly, there is a relationship between this game with the ancient time. This game was created by harvard school in order to give the chance for their students to learn about what they have done in their life. After all of the TGJ4M students listen the audio program about this game, the students asked to make 10 questions that they have to bring after the holiday, and we will discuss all of the questions that we have made in class. Good luck in doing this assignment...:)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Make homepage using frontpage(2)

Finally, i can finish my homepage by using frontpage, although i got some difficulties to finish it. I think after i finish it, i can burn my website to CD easily, but i spent about 1.5 hours to burn my website to cd, because we can not burn it like burn other files to cd. When i finished in burning my website to cd, i think all of my website will run like i saw it before i burn it, but after i check it, unfortunately there are some photos can not be displayed in my website,and also i lost some animations that i have input it before. So i have to arrange it again..after i spent around 1 hour, i knew the burning the website to cd, we have to collect all of the data that we input in our website in one folder, and burn it together with the website that we have made, in order all of the website that we made will as run as we hope. I think there are some TGJ4M students got the problem that i got, and i hope all of you can solve it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Software Test

Today... there is software test for all of the students who want to get bonus mark for TGJ4M subject... There are many students have signed their attendance..but only few students who come. In that test, some students who come, asked to instal the software that is promoted to CIMP. That software is amazing, because that software can really help in learning process by using computer.This software is used to control others computer in main computer.Therefore if teacher use this software to their students. Teachers can see what their students do with their computer, although in long distance. and teachers can control their computer, and even can send message directly to the students who have that software.This software can connect directly to all computers that have this software.. therefore i said that this software is really amazing and it can be used to learning process in this modern era.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Make homepage using Frontpage

This week, all of TGJ4M students asked to make their homepage by using MS.Frontpage. There are some difficulties in making homepage by using frontpage. Firstly, there are a lot of students don't have the software of frontpage, therefore if they want to make their homepage by using it, they have to make it in college. secondly, if they have MS.Frontpage in their computer, sometimes the width of website that they make in their computer and college's computer is different, and it can make the position of their web that if looked from their computer is good, but in college's computer can be different that they saw in their computer, and lastly, sometimes the result of website that is made by using frontpage, can not be display clearly in Mozila firefox, but can be display clearly in Internet explorer, or vice versa. I think we have to learn about that software again, if we got that problem.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Microsoft brings office to the online access

Nowadays, microsoft brings office to the online access that makes most of the microsoft office users can save, access, and share their documents onlinely. This new service is called as office live workspace. In using this service, the users have to do the registration first. Each person who has registrated will get 250 mega byte for their saving capacity that is predicted can save about 1000 ordinary documents. All of the users can save their word, excell, and also power point document in this facility. Beside that they also can invite other users to read and give some comments about their file.

Friday, October 5, 2007

California University open class in youtube

Today, California university has opened their class in youtube to show college and learning activity. More than 300 hours college and learning activity can be seen freely in But not all subjects have been input in the youtube. Only some subjects,like peace science and conflict, bioengineering, and science class, like "physics for president in the future". But, california university had added their collection of study in youtube officially on 3 october. There are 9 subjects that are available completely with each of them consist of 40 sessions. California university is the first university that input their class in youtube. Although there are some university like Massachusetts university had input their class activity in website, but in their website not public website like youtube or google. Today only california university that open their class in public website,like youtube.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Today in class, all of TGJ4M students asked to make a website by using MS.Frontpage. After read the tutorial that i found in BB, i got some knowledge that i can used to make a website. In this task ,i have a plan to make a website about myself, my family, and my friends. I use 5 pages, that contain, index for first page, my profile for 2nd pages, my family profile as 3rd pages, my friends profile as 4th pages, and the last is addition news as the last pages.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


What is ms.frontpage??? ms.frontpage is one of the microsoft tool that is created to help in making and designing website. This media is very helpfull, because we dont need type the coding manually in notepad. It is simple and not really hard to use. we can get the instruction of using this tool from BB. In BB,we can learn more about ms.frontpage...enjoy to learn it..especially for eveyone who take web design as their learning contract..i believe it can be your benefactor appliance.