Saturday, October 27, 2007

Marketing video- Combined between 2 softwares

Today, my groupwork of marketing video have finished our work. There are a lot of time spent in doing this work. About 10 hours in one day we edit the video. In doing this work, we use 2 softwares. That is Windows movie maker and Adobe premiere. In the first we divided the task to edit by each member in our group by using Windows movie maker. After all of members have edited it, we combined all of our works by using Adobe premiere, and give some effects by using it. The most difficult thing in doing this project is arranging sound clip in the video. That steps have spent more than 2 hours. Moreover one thing that make us shock is when after we published it, the video has 2GB more memory to keep it. That is not make sense, and i dont know why it can be happened.but the most thing is we have done my best in finishing this project. Thanks for haikal and paul as my group members that have done their work well, and i hope we can get the mark that we hope before.

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