Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Learning contract(2)

In this holiday, i start in doing my learning contract about web design. There are some difficulties that i got in doing this project. First, since i want to use dreamwaver as the software in doing web design, i need to learn how to use that software, because honestly, dreamwaver is more complicated to be used than MS.Frontpage. If until the last of this holiday, i still can not use this software, i will use MS.frontpage to do my learning contract, but i will try my best to understand about dreamwaver first. Second difficulties that i got in doing this project is taking the original images of Indonesian foods. Since i choose Indonesian foods for my topic in my website, i need to take the original images of Indonesian foods. This difficulty is caused by the holiday in which there is no more restaurant, especially indonesian restaurants open in this holiday. Therefore i got difficulty to take the original images in this holiday, but i will try to get it after the holiday.

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