Monday, October 29, 2007

Microsoft got facebook VS Google took myspace

nowadays, social network situs is improving that make Microsoft and Google have to compete between each other. To get 1,6% part of facebook, Microsoft have to spend more than 240 million US dollar, indicating facebook have been priced about 15 billions US dollar. Facebook first time was launched in 2004 by Harvard Mark Zuckerberg student. Facebook claimed that can attract more than 250 thousand users in which 60% of them are from outside of US. Today, the users of facebook have been more than 50 million users. Kevin Johnson, President of microsoft believes that the users of facebook will be more than 300 million by the end of this year. While, google which fail to get facebook, has made cooperation with other social network situs. It was myspace. In that aggrement, google will offer browse services and advertises for myspace users that almost 110 million users in the world. This is not the first time that google and microsoft compete in getting social network situs. Google ever defeated microsoft to reach youtube that was priced 1.65 billions US dollar. Beside that google also got DoubleClik, and Microsoft bought aQuantive. Microsoft make prediction that advertisements in internet nowadays have been 40 billion US dollar per year, and it will increase twice by 3 years later.

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